Monkey Bananza
Monkey Bananza is a local multiplayer party game set in a laboratory, where a gas leak turned all scientists into crazy monkeys! These monkeys are filled with rage and want to destroy everything in their sight. Will the janitor be able to prevent them from doing so?
Play as a monkey and team up with others to destroy the lab. You can grab power ups, free other monkeys from the cage or betray them by stunning them.
Play as the janitor and protect your lab by capturing all the monkeys and put them in a cage. Beware, there is only so much oxygen in your bottle and you will have to refill at the oxygen tanks.
Capturing monkeys and destroying the lab both yield points. The player with the highest score at the end wins the game.
The game was made by 3 artists and 2 developers using Unity and C#.
What did I do?
I implemented:
• In game menus, such as the main menu, the pause menu, the HUD and the leaderboard
 Player movement
 The functionality of the cage
 The mechanics of the monkey
 The ability to destroy objects
 The point system
What were my biggest challenges?
This was my very first game I made in a group so a lot of stuff was new to me. I had to learn how to set up a project for multiple people, how to create a planning, how to communicate with my team members and how to talk about new ideas/problems.
We used the Unity game engine and this was quite an advantage for me since I wasn’t really comfortable with Unreal Engine yet at this point. This project further increased my skills in Unity and C# and taught me how the whole pipeline of game development comes together in order to create a finished product.

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